Testy z fabułą
Magda Stożek
class JugMeetingSpec extends Specification { def jugMeeting = new Meeting(["Spock", "Gerrit"]) def attendee = new Person("Mścibór") def "should make Mścibór's life better"() { given: attendee.setKnownFrameworks(["JUnit", "Mockito"]) attendee.setMoodPercent(20) when: attendee.attend(jugMeeting) then: attendee.moodPercent > 80 attendee.knownFrameworks.contains("Spock") attendee.isAwake } }
class JugMeetingSpec extends Specification { def jugMeeting = new Meeting(["Spock", "Gerrit"]) def attendee = new Person("Mścibór") @Shared def pub = new Pub("Stara Komenda") def setup() { ... } def cleanup() { ... } def setupSpec() { ... } def cleanupSpec() { ... } }
Condition not satisfied: sms.content == "Hello Mom\nI need money quickly\nThanks and CU later" | | | | | false | | 6 differences (88% similarity) | | Hello Mom\nI need money quickly\nThanks and CU(------) | | Hello Mom\nI need money quickly\nThanks and CU( later) | Hello Mom | I need money quickly | Thanks and CU SmsEmail[content=Hello Mom\nI need money quickly\nThanks and CU,recipients=[123123123], sender=,username=user@gmail.com,password=secret,replyTo=mailto:replyTo@gmail.com]
def name = new ComplicatedLongClassName()
def list = ["one", "two"]
@DataProvider private Object[][] testData() { return new Object[][] { new Object[]{"", "", "", "", MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER}, new Object[]{"invalid id", "", "", "", USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST}, new Object[]{testUserId, "", "invalid", "", INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE}, new Object[]{notMyUser, "", "", "", NO_RIGHTS_TO_CUSTOMER} }; }
@Unroll def "Should return #expectedStatus for #userId, #email, #phoneNumber"() when: def response = updateUserByRest(userId, email, phoneNumber) then: response == expectedStatus.toString() where: userId | email | phoneNumber || expectedStatus "" | "" | "" || MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER "invalid id" | "" | "" || USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST testUserId | "" | "invalid" || INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE notMyUser | "" | "" || NO_RIGHTS_TO_CUSTOMER }
@Test public void testForExceptions() { try{ zoo.acceptAnimal(cat); fail("expected IllegalArgumentException"); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e){ //ignore, this exception is expected. }
when: zoo.acceptAnimal(cat) then: def e = thrown(IllegalArgumentException) e.message.contains("wild animals only")
def userDao = Mock(UserDao) def userCache = Mock(UserCache) def app = new Application(userDao, userCache) def "should use cache instead of dao"() { when: app.findUser("John") then: 1 * userCache.find("John") 0 * userDao.find(_) } def "should return user"() { given: userDao.getSkills("John") >> ["Java", "Groovy", "Spock"] when: def john = app.findUser("John") then: john.skills.contains("Spock") }
(_..3) * zoo.receive("zebra") 1 * zoo./re.*/("surprise") (1.._) * zoo.receive(_) 2 * zoo.receive(_ as Bird) 1 * zoo.receive(!null) 0 * zoo.receive({ it.age() > 3 }) 1 * process.invoke("ls", "-a", _, !null, { ["abcd"].contains(it) })
when: presentation.finish() then: attendee.isAwake attendee.wantsToTrySpock attendee.questions > 0